Pilot Test – Dairy Application

A cheese facility producing string cheese had instances when their biological ponds were killed off from the raw wastewater influent. The purpose of the pilot test was to determine if placing a DAF prior to their treatment ponds would improve performance, reduce the accumulation of solids, oils & grease and improve overall discharge. The rest of the existing wastewater treatment system after the biological treatment ponds, included a clarifier and lastly a DAF before discharging directly into the environment.

Design Data

FRC Solution


  • PCL-3 DAF
  • F-2.5 Flocculator
  • Rotary lobe feed pump
  • Chemical dosing pumps for coagulant, caustic, acid, and polymer
  • Polymer makeup system
  • Sludge pump
  • Air compressor
  • E-Panel with PLC & HMI
  • Skid mounted system on single stainless steel skid (Pre-wired & Pre-piped)
  • Job box (spare parts, O&M, hand tools, influent/effluent hosing)

Talk to an FRC engineer about your application.