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  • DAF System Buyer's Guide | FRC Systems

    This comprehensive guide helps engineers, plant owners, and decision-makers navigate the complexities of DAF selection, ensuring they invest in a high-performing, durable, and cost-effective solution tailored to their specific needs. The Ultimate DAF System Buyer's Guide Critical Considerations For Choosing A High-Performing DAF System This comprehensive guide helps engineers, plant owners, and decision-makers navigate the complexities of DAF selection, ensuring they invest in a high-performing, durable, and cost-effective solution tailored to their specific needs. Key Takeaways: Critical design considerations for selecting the best DAF system Insights on aeration, dissolved air distribution, and sludge handling Material selection for durability and long-term performance Automation and control features to enhance efficiency Application-specific engineering for optimal wastewater treatment Make an informed decision and ensure your wastewater treatment system operates at peak performance. To download the guide, please provide the following: First name* Last name* Email* Company name* Download the Guide

  • FAQ App

    FRC Systems provides wastewater treatment solutions, including Dissolved Air Flotation DAF, Sludge Dewatering, Chemical Dosing and Biological wastewater treatment systems. Sludge Dewatering Technology for Smarter Water Management Multi-Disk Volute Press Check it out Productos Destacados DAF de alta velocidad de las series PCL y PCCS El diseño de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) de alta velocidad de las series PCL y PCCS proporciona una solución eficiente y rentable para eliminar contaminantes de sus aguas residuales. Learn More Prensa de voluta de discos múltiples para deshidratación de lodos La gestión de lodos puede ser un desafío, pero no con la prensa de voluta de discos múltiples de FRC Systems. Learn More Alquileres y pilotos Los sistemas de alquiler de FRC y los equipos independientes se instalan en una configuración “plug-and-play” para facilitar la instalación y la puesta en marcha. Learn More Ver Todos los Productos La diferencia de FRC Con casi 50 años de experiencia en la industria y miles de instalaciones en todo el mundo, FRC Systems se dedica a aprovechar nuestra amplia experiencia en aplicaciones de tratamiento de aguas residuales para su beneficio. Nos comprometemos a ofrecer soporte continuo y soluciones innovadoras para el futuro. Acerca de FRC Systems Conozca a nuestro equipo Casi 50 años de liderazgo en la industria Miles de instalaciones en todo el mundo Experiencia de aplicación y conocimiento ilimitado Centrado en el cliente. Basado en soluciones. Resultados garantizados. FRC Systems transformó nuestro proceso de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Su experiencia y sus soluciones innovadoras han mejorado significativamente la eficiencia de nuestra planta. Agradecemos su apoyo constante y recomendamos encarecidamente sus servicios. Director de productos Empresa de alimentos y bebidas La instalación de la solución de tratamiento de aguas residuales de FRC Systems fue impecable y profesional. El conocimiento y la dedicación de su equipo han marcado una diferencia notable en nuestras operaciones. No podríamos estar más contentos con los resultados. Gerente de Diseño de Instalaciones Empresa de salud y belleza Elegir a FRC Systems para nuestras necesidades de tratamiento de aguas residuales fue un cambio radical. Su sistema es confiable y su servicio al cliente es excepcional. Hemos visto una mejora notable en nuestro cumplimiento de las normas ambientales y en los costos operativos. Director de operaciones de planta Compañía de petróleo y gas ¿Por qué elegir FRC Systems? Experiencia y conocimientos prácticos en aplicaciones Nuestros equipos de diseño e ingeniería están dirigidos por especialistas altamente reconocidos en el campo del tratamiento de aguas residuales con un promedio de más de 25 años de experiencia en la industria. Centrado en el cliente Todos nuestros sistemas están diseñados para el desafío específico en cuestión. Nos centramos en los objetivos del cliente desde el comienzo del proceso de diseño hasta la instalación y la puesta en marcha. Nuestro objetivo no es solo crear un sistema que funcione, sino uno que funcione para usted. Atención personalizada Cada proyecto recibe atención personalizada durante todo el proceso por parte de un gerente de proyecto dedicado y un equipo de nuestros ingenieros experimentados. Calidad en la que puede confiar El proceso de diseño de FRC incluye presentaciones profesionales con dibujos detallados en 3D para su aprobación antes de la fabricación. Nuestros productos se construyen mediante corte por láser, fabricación y ensamblaje de acero inoxidable para garantizar el control de calidad. FAQ

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    Ooops....we're so embarrassed. We have recently launched a new website, so the URL's may be different from the last site... OR... The page you're trying to reach does not exist. You can use the search bar below to see if you can find what you are looking for:

  • member | FRC Systems

    FRC Systems Member Site | Members get access to whitepapers, case studies and more. Sign Up / Log In Menu Menu Item Iniciar sesión Media Center (Sign Up for Access) Once the content is ready to publish in the exclusive member-only Media Center... ...this element will reside in 2 locations: under the Contact Us button on the right side of the header. in the footer, below the help menu. It will also have its own drop-down menu containing logged-in member only items such as: All member pages Account Settings Profile Notifications Logout ...this element will reside in at least 2 locations: in the Resource dropdown menu item above. in the footer all relevant locations, such as blog posts, product pages, etc.

  • Stage | FRC Systems

    FRC Systems | Testing Environment | For testing purposes only. Tailored solutions with unmatched expertise. FRC Systems is your trusted wastewater solutions provider. See Us In Action Contact Us

  • FRC Systems | Submit a Project Profile

    Project profiles play a crucial role in showcasing real-world applications of wastewater treatment solutions. FRC Systems » Productos Submit a Project Profile Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Project profiles play a crucial role in showcasing real-world applications of wastewater treatment solutions. They highlight successful installations, innovative technologies, and industry-specific challenges addressed by FRC Systems. These profiles help potential clients understand the effectiveness of FRC’s dissolved air flotation (DAF) and other treatment systems, demonstrating their impact across industries such as food processing, oil and gas, and municipal water treatment. By detailing system performance, project outcomes, and customer success stories, these profiles serve as a valuable resource for companies seeking reliable and efficient wastewater treatment solutions. If you have any questions regarding a project profile submittal, please feel free to contact: Kevin West Sales & Marketing Specialist FRC Systems - Sulzer See a sample project What is your name and email? First Name* Last name* Email* Great! Now, please provide some details of your project: Company* Should the company name remain confidential?* Yes No Does FRC have permission to publish the customer's name in marketing materials? Industry* FRC Solution* Application * Components Used:* Biological - MBBR Biological - MBR DAF - PWL DAF - PCL DAF - PCCS Flocculator Oil Water Separator Screen Dewatering Belt Press Dewatering Volute Press Effluent Buffer Tank Equalization Tank Reactor Tank Other You can select 1 or more components. Project Description - Problem* Project Description - Solution* Design Data Upload Design Data An image (.png or .jpg) or spreadsheet (.xls) table that includes flow rates, TSS, FOG, BOD, pH, regulatory data, etc. Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Upload PFD If a graphic format is unavailable, a photo of a sketch will be sufficient. Photos and/or Videos Upload Media Upload 4-10 photos and/or videos showcasing the FRC solution and equipment. ie. SCADA screens, tanks, DAF systems, flocculators, etc. Submit for Review

  • FRC Systems | Oil & Gas

    Oil and gas processing have unique requirements for their wastewater treatment needs in produced & flowback water, renewable energy, oil refineries and stormwater runoff. FRC Systems » Industrias Petróleo y gas Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Enlaces rápidos APLICACIONES Agua producida y de reflujo Energía renovable Refinerías de petróleo Escorrentía de aguas pluviales Un sistema de aguas residuales FRC puede tener un impacto significativo en sus resultados finales. Las tecnologías FRC se utilizan en diversas aplicaciones en toda la industria del petróleo y el gas. Para aguas arriba, producidas y de reflujo, ofrecemos sistemas de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) tanto móviles como de planta central para tratar el agua para inyección, reutilización o descarga. En el segmento downstream, nuestro DAF de alta velocidad es capaz de tratar hasta 6000 GPM de escorrentía de aguas pluviales en un solo sistema compacto. Las empresas de procesamiento de petróleo y gas tienen requisitos únicos para el tratamiento de aguas residuales. FRC Systems puede diseñar configuraciones móviles y modulares personalizadas para satisfacer las demandas de su aplicación particular. Agua producida y de reflujo El agua producida y el agua de reflujo deben tratarse para eliminar los aceites y los sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS). Según los requisitos de calidad del agua del efluente, un sistema DAF de FRC puede tratar el agua producida para su reutilización, inyección o descarga. System Solution System Solution Energía renovable Durante todo el proceso de molienda en seco se pueden recuperar subproductos con valor comercial y FRC ha desarrollado un proceso de dos pasos que hace justamente eso. Con el proceso FRC, puede aumentar la rentabilidad a largo plazo y la viabilidad económica de su actual proceso de molienda en seco hasta alcanzar una paridad más cercana con el proceso de molienda en húmedo. Los ingenieros de FRC han diseñado un sistema que puede mejorar la recuperación de aceite de maíz a partir de residuos finos para aumentar la rentabilidad a largo plazo en aplicaciones de etanol. Durante el procesamiento de la materia prima para la producción de diésel renovable se genera una gran cantidad de aguas residuales. FRC cuenta con la tecnología necesaria para recuperar la máxima cantidad posible de petróleo para su reprocesamiento. System Solution Refinerías de petróleo y escorrentía de aguas pluviales El agua es un recurso importante que se utiliza en la refinación de hidrocarburos. FRC ofrece separadores de aceite y agua (OWS), como los interceptores de placas corrugadas (CPI) y los separadores del Instituto Americano del Petróleo (API), así como sistemas de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF), flotación por gas disuelto (DGF) y flotación por nitrógeno disuelto (DNF) para la eliminación de aceites, sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS), metales y otros contaminantes de la corriente de aguas residuales. Product Solution Product Solution

  • FRC Systems | Meat & Seafood Processing

    Meat processing facilities produce wastewater with high amounts of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Total Phosphorus (TP). Business such as poultry, beef, pork, rendering, seafood and pet food have found FRC systems a valuble resource. FRC Systems » Industrias Procesamiento de carnes y mariscos Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Enlaces rápidos APLICACIONES Aves de corral Carne de res Cerdo Representación Comida para mascotas Mariscos Las soluciones FRC se destacan en la recuperación de subproductos comercialmente valiosos. Los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales de FRC incluyen diseños totalmente personalizables que utilizan equipos altamente duraderos, incluidas unidades de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF), pantallas de tambor rotatorio, tanques de ecualización, tratamiento biológico mediante bioreactores de membrana (MBR), reactores de biopelícula de lecho móvil (MBBR), lodos activados de residuos convencionales (CWAS) y deshidratación de lodos. El equipo de ingeniería especializado de FRC es experto en diseñar sistemas que satisfagan sus necesidades específicas, desde un producto independiente hasta una instalación mecánica y eléctrica llave en mano. Los sistemas se diseñarán para cumplir con los requisitos de descarga y recuperar subproductos valiosos, como proteínas y productos no comestibles, para su procesamiento. Las plantas de procesamiento de carne producen aguas residuales con altas cantidades de sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS), grasas, aceites y grasas (FOG), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO) y fósforo total (TP). Las soluciones de FRC se destacan en la recuperación de subproductos con valor comercial. Los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales diseñados por FRC brindan un proceso de tratamiento rentable para lograr el mayor impacto en sus resultados finales. Industria avícola Los equipos de tratamiento de aguas residuales de FRC se han utilizado durante décadas para procesar aguas residuales avícolas, reduciendo los sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS), las grasas, los aceites y las grasas (FOG), la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO) y el fósforo total (TP) a sus límites permisibles, al tiempo que se recuperan subproductos valiosos. Los ingenieros de FRC han estado diseñando sistemas para las principales plantas de procesamiento avícola de todo el mundo durante décadas. Muchos de nuestros sistemas DAF originales todavía están en funcionamiento en la actualidad. Turnkey Solution System Solution Industria de la carne de vacuno Nuestros ingenieros saben que, a medida que se procesa el ganado, su sangre, carne, grasa, panza, estiércol y otros materiales se combinan para crear aguas residuales problemáticas. Es por eso que nuestros sistemas incluyen la combinación adecuada de nuestros productos altamente duraderos, diseñados para soportar los materiales arenosos presentes en el agua. Su sistema ideal incluirá la combinación adecuada de cribado, ecualización, DAF, MBR, MBBR o CWAS. Con décadas de experiencia trabajando en la industria de la carne de vacuno, FRC analizará sus instalaciones y diseñará el sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales para sus necesidades específicas. System Solution System Solution Industria porcina Hemos diseñado un sistema innovador para la industria porcina diseñado específicamente para maximizar la recuperación de subproductos valiosos y permitir la descarga a Plantas de Tratamiento de Propiedad Pública (POTW). El procesamiento de la carne de cerdo es único debido a las fases de escaldado y depilación que generan niveles particularmente altos de grasas, aceites y grasas (FOG) y sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS) en la corriente de aguas residuales. FRC es un innovador líder en sistemas que utiliza una combinación de productos que pueden incluir cribado, ecualización, DAF y tratamiento biológico mediante MBR, MBBR o CWAS. System Solution System Solution Industria del renderizado Los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales de FRC están diseñados para combatir las aguas residuales de alta concentración que se generan en el proceso de renderizado. A medida que las grasas y el agua se separan del tejido animal, se crean productos comestibles y no comestibles. Los derrames de los equipos de cocina, los tanques de recolección y los vertidos del lavado contribuyen a la generación de aguas residuales. Durante el proceso de renderizado, se forman grandes cantidades de grasas, aceites y grasas (FOG) y sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS). FRC DAF utiliza un sistema de aireación de aguas blancas confiable construido con acero inoxidable 304 para minimizar la contaminación del sistema y maximizar la vida útil del equipo. System Solution Industria de alimentos para mascotas Los productores de alimentos para mascotas procesan y mezclan proteínas animales, vegetales, granos y otros ingredientes orgánicos para elaborar alimentos secos o húmedos, lo que produce cantidades significativas de aguas residuales con altas concentraciones de demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), sólidos suspendidos totales (SST), grasas, aceites y grasas (FOG) y demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO). FRC diseña sistemas que incluyen cribado, ecualización, DAF y tratamiento biológico mediante biorreactor de membrana (MBR), reactor de biopelícula de lecho móvil (MBBR) o lodos activados por residuos continuos (CWAS). En función de los contaminantes de las aguas residuales, FRC puede diseñar la solución que se adapte idealmente a su aplicación. System Solution Turnkey Solution Industria de mariscos Las aplicaciones para la industria de mariscos incluyen pescado blanco, atún, salmón, langostinos, camarones, krill y muchos otros tipos de mariscos. La mayoría de los procesos de tratamiento de aguas residuales de mariscos requieren un sistema que combine el tamizado fino, la ecualización, la filtración por aire, el tratamiento biológico y la gestión de lodos. FRC cuenta con una gama completa de productos diseñados para tratar el alto contenido de aceite en las aguas residuales, lo que permite la recuperación de este contenido de aceite. Skidded Solution Turnkey Solution

  • FRC Systems | Municipal Water

    Our municipal Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) units are designed to work with municipal wastewater treatment systems. Enhance your treatment system using dissolved air flotation to thicken waste-activated sludge (WAS) prior to anaerobic digestors or remove algae and phosphorus (TP) using a high-rate DAF. FRC Systems » Industrias Aguas residuales municipales Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Enlaces rápidos APLICACIONES Eliminación de algas y fósforo WAS engrosamiento No importa la aplicación, FRC tiene una solución de última generación para su aplicación. Las unidades de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) de FRC son una excelente incorporación a los sistemas de aguas residuales municipales para mejorar el tratamiento, eliminar las algas y el fósforo de las lagunas municipales, espesar los lodos activados por desechos (WAS) y tratar los insumos industriales que no han sido tratados previamente de forma adecuada. Sin importar la aplicación, FRC tiene una solución de última generación para su aplicación. Estas soluciones son sistemas robustos y fáciles de usar que ocupan un espacio mínimo junto con bajos gastos químicos y operativos, lo que permite una alternativa rentable a las soluciones tradicionales. Nuestras unidades de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) municipales están diseñadas para funcionar con sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales. Mejore su sistema de tratamiento utilizando la flotación por aire disuelto para espesar el lodo activado por desechos (WAS) antes de los digestores anaeróbicos o elimine las algas y el fósforo (TP) utilizando un DAF de alta velocidad. Eliminación de algas y fósforo Por lo general, los municipios se ocupan de las floraciones de algas y del fósforo por separado. Un sistema de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) de alta velocidad con FRC puede mitigar el impacto negativo de las floraciones de algas al eliminar eficazmente las algas y el fósforo asociado al mismo tiempo. Estos sólidos se pueden precipitar químicamente de las aguas residuales utilizando un coagulante y luego aglomerarse con un floculante, lo que se puede hacer en un reactor de flujo pistón (PFR). Luego se utiliza un DAF con FRC para eliminar los sólidos. Es posible eliminar hasta el 99 % del fósforo total con este método de precipitación de sales metálicas. System Solution System Solution System Solution WAS engrosamiento Los sistemas de tratamiento biológico con un clarificador secundario producen lodos con un rango de sólidos secos de 0,5 a 1,0 %. Como gran parte de los lodos están compuestos de agua, se deben implementar mecanismos de espesamiento adecuados para reducir el volumen de lodos enviados a un digestor anaeróbico o reducir el tamaño del equipo de deshidratación y los costos de eliminación de sólidos. Los sistemas de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) pueden espesar lodos aeróbicos y anaeróbicos a un 4 a 10 % de sólidos. En este estado, los lodos están mejor preparados para la digestión y la deshidratación. Product Solution Product Solution

  • FRC Systems | General Manufacturing

    FRC systems are custom designed to combat the harsh environments often found in industrial manufacturing environments. These DAF systems can be found in vertical markets such as automotive parts, chemical, health and beauty, pharmaceuticals and wood applications. FRC Systems » Industrias Fabricación general Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Enlaces rápidos APLICACIONES Automotive Parts Chemical Health & Beauty Pharmaceuticals Wood La industria manufacturera en general enfrenta una amplia gama de desafíos en sus necesidades de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Nuestro experimentado equipo de ingeniería ha diseñado sistemas para empresas de toda la industria manufacturera. Nuestros sistemas están diseñados a medida para combatir los entornos hostiles que suelen encontrarse en los entornos de fabricación industrial. Los ingenieros de FRC crearán un sistema optimizado para tratar la composición específica de las aguas residuales de su industria. Cada aplicación de fabricación tiene sus propias características que presentan desafíos únicos para el tratamiento de aguas residuales. Ya sea que desee recuperar aceite para reutilizarlo o eliminar componentes de aguas residuales como metales pesados, arena o arcilla para cumplir con las normas, FRC puede ofrecerle la mejor solución. Industria de piezas de automoción Las aplicaciones automotrices incluyen plantas de estampación, fabricación de piezas, fabricantes de transmisiones, líneas de ensamblaje y fundición a presión, todas las cuales requieren un enfoque de diseño bien pensado. Los sistemas completos de tratamiento de aguas residuales de FRC están diseñados para eliminar aceites, grasas, productos químicos de limpieza y metales pesados que se encuentran comúnmente en las aguas residuales automotrices. Nuestros sistemas están diseñados para minimizar el uso de productos químicos y reducir el volumen de lodos, lo que resulta en un mayor ahorro de costos. Turnkey Solution Skidded Solution Turnkey Solution Industria química La industria química es muy diversa y compleja. Las necesidades de aplicación de las aguas residuales abarcan desde la separación de aceite y agua, la separación de sólidos y líquidos y el tratamiento biológico. FRC ha estado diseñando sistemas para la industria química durante décadas y pondrá nuestra experiencia a su servicio para diseñar el mejor sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales para su aplicación. System Solution Industria de la salud y la belleza FRC diseña sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales altamente sustentables que utilizan un proceso por lotes que consta de múltiples tanques de ecualización con mezcla para combatir la diversidad de aguas residuales producidas en plantas de salud y belleza. Nuestro enfoque puede ayudarlo a recuperar productos y aceites sobrantes valiosos del agua de lavado mientras elimina los contaminantes de las aguas residuales antes de su descarga. Turnkey Solution Skidded Solution System Solution Industria farmacéutica En FRC, sabemos que el mejor sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales está diseñado para proteger los costosos sistemas de tratamiento biológico necesarios en las aplicaciones farmacéuticas. FRC tiene la experiencia para desarrollar la solución correcta para sus necesidades de tratamiento de aguas residuales, que pueden incluir un sistema de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) antes y/o después del sistema biológico. Turnkey Solution System Solution Industria de la madera FRC Wastewater cuenta con una línea completa de equipos de tratamiento de aguas residuales para diseñar un sistema a gran escala para la industria de la madera manufacturada. Esto puede incluir una criba de tambor rotatorio, ecualización, flotación por aire disuelto (DAF), tratamiento biológico y deshidratación de lodos mediante una prensa de banda para cumplir con los límites de descarga y reducir los costos de transporte de lodos. El descortezado es un proceso crítico en la industria de la madera manufacturada. Con una criba de tambor rotatorio, la corteza se puede recuperar y vender como subproducto o usarse como combustible para generar energía para el proceso. Nuestra criba de tambor rotatorio de gran durabilidad es una gran incorporación al procesamiento en esta industria. Turnkey Solution System Solution

  • FRC Systems | Food & Beverage

    FRC wastewater treatment systems are used throughout the food and beverage industry such as dairy, beverages, fruits & vegetables, edible oils, and convenience & prepared foods. These systems have the ability to remove Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Total Phosphorus (TP). Our processes are operator-friendly and require minimal maintenance and user intervention. FRC Systems » Industrias Alimentos y bebidas Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Enlaces rápidos APLICACIONES Lácteos Bebidas Frutas y verduras Aceites comestibles Comida preparada y de conveniencia Cada aplicación de tratamiento de aguas residuales es única. Nuestro experimentado equipo de ingeniería ha diseñado sistemas desde productos independientes hasta instalaciones llave en mano completas para muchas aplicaciones diversas en la industria de alimentos y bebidas. Los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales de FRC se utilizan en toda la industria de alimentos y bebidas debido a su capacidad para eliminar sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS), grasas, aceites y grasas (FOG), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO) y fósforo total (TP). Nuestros procesos son fáciles de usar y requieren un mantenimiento y una intervención del usuario mínimos. Los sistemas diseñados por FRC reducen los costos operativos al producir sólidos altamente secos para reducir el volumen de lodos, los costos de eliminación y los costos de productos químicos. Los sistemas están completamente automatizados para reducir la intervención del operador y brindar confiabilidad ante condiciones cambiantes del afluente. Industria láctea Las aguas residuales de los productos lácteos suelen requerir un enfoque diferente para tener en cuenta el riesgo de olores nocivos que pueden generar los productos lácteos en el proceso de tratamiento de aguas residuales. El diseño de FRC utiliza una química sencilla, limita el olor, minimiza la huella total y genera lodos con un alto contenido de sólidos secos. System Solution Turnkey Solution Industria de bebidas La industria de las bebidas abarca muchas aplicaciones, como jugos, refrescos, bebidas deportivas, bebidas de malta, café, té, bodegas y destilerías. FRC proporcionará una solución orientada a los detalles para cada aplicación única y diseñará un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales que se ajuste a sus necesidades específicas. Product Solution System Solution Industria de frutas y verduras Las aplicaciones de frutas y verduras dependen en gran medida del agua en sus procesos, desde el transporte, el lavado, el pelado, el escaldado, la cocción y el enlatado o embotellado en el proceso de planta. Las aguas residuales generadas en estos procesos tienen un alto contenido orgánico debido a una gran cantidad de material natural. FRC proporciona sistemas completos de tratamiento de aguas residuales que incluyen cribado, DAF, tratamiento biológico y deshidratación de lodos para gestionar los grandes volúmenes de agua y los elevados niveles de materia orgánica. System Solution System Solution Industria de aceites comestibles Las aplicaciones de aceite comestible de FRC incluyen aceites vegetales, de soja, de maíz, de palma, de semilla de algodón, de canola, de linaza, de cáñamo y otros. Nuestros sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales están diseñados para descargar efluentes tratados en plantas de tratamiento de propiedad pública (POTW) o en fuentes de agua locales. Los beneficios adicionales pueden incluir la recuperación de subproductos valiosos y la reutilización del agua. FRC puede diseñar una solución para la forma en que desea o necesita tratar sus aguas residuales. Turnkey Solution Skidded Solution Industria de alimentos preparados y de conveniencia Los alimentos preparados incluyen productos horneados, sándwiches, ensalada de papas, papas fritas, comidas congeladas, dulces, chocolates y muchos otros. La mayoría de las aplicaciones requieren una variedad de tecnologías que incluyen tamizado, ecualización, DAF, deshidratación de lodos y, en ocasiones, tratamiento biológico para una solución completa. Con la vasta experiencia de FRC en este campo, crearemos la solución óptima para su aplicación. Turnkey Solution System Solution Turnkey Solution

  • FAQ App

    FRC Systems' FAQ section addresses common inquiries about their wastewater treatment solutions, including system capabilities, maintenance, and industry applications.

  • FRC Systems | Jar Testing

    A jar test provides a simple and effective qualitative test to determine a combination that results in effective solids removal with DAF treatment. FRC Systems » Servicios Prueba de frascos Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Enlaces rápidos Proceso de prueba de frascos de FRC Coagulación Floculación Simulación DAF Prueba de lodos FRC puede recomendar los productos químicos de pretratamiento adecuados. Una prueba de jarra de FRC Systems proporciona una prueba cualitativa simple y efectiva en la que agregamos varios productos químicos coagulantes y/o floculantes a sus muestras de aguas residuales para determinar una combinación que dé como resultado una eliminación efectiva de sólidos con un tratamiento de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF). También ofrecemos pruebas analíticas opcionales para muestras tratadas y no tratadas, que incluyen sólidos suspendidos totales (TSS), grasas, aceites y grasas (FOG), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (BOD), demanda química de oxígeno (COD) y muchas otras. En función de los resultados de la prueba de jarra, FRC puede recomendar los productos químicos de pretratamiento adecuados para analizar con su proveedor de productos químicos. Los coagulantes se seleccionarán en función de la aplicación, las características de las aguas residuales y las opciones de eliminación de lodos. Coagulación Se trata de un proceso puramente químico que implica la desestabilización de partículas coloidales que forman microflóculos con carga positiva. Estamos determinando la rapidez con la que se pueden formar los microflóculos para seleccionar el producto de FRC adecuado. Durante este paso, podemos determinar una recomendación preliminar de dosificación. Floculación El floculante es un polímero que atrae los microflóculos de carga opuesta y los aglomera en “macroflóculos” más grandes. Esto se hace para lograr un tamaño adecuado para la separación en la celda de flotación. Los polímeros pueden ser aniónicos, catiónicos o no iónicos. Simulación DAF En este paso generamos agua blanca presurizando agua en un recipiente específico. Inyectamos el agua blanca generada en la muestra de agua residual para observar cómo el aire disuelto interactúa con los macroflóculos formados previamente. Prueba de lodos También ofrecemos pruebas de lodos que implican la aplicación de presión para evaluar el comportamiento de los lodos. Esto permite a FRC recomendar la tecnología de deshidratación adecuada.

  • FRC Systems | IPPE Pass

    Ready to register for IPPE? Fill out the form and we'll do the rest. Get Your Complimentary IPPE Pass! Kindly fill out this form and we'll send you a promo code for a complimentary IPPE 2025 ticket! First name* Last name* Email* Phone* Company name* Position Disclaimer: the complimentary pass must be used by the recipient or colleague of this email message. Submit Products Project Archive

  • FRC Systems | Pilot Testing

    Pilot tests provide an excellent opportunity to deliver proof-of-concept that FRCs engineered solutions will successfully perform for your application. FRC Systems » Servicios Prueba piloto Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Enlaces rápidos Capacidades de prueba piloto del FRC Gran flota piloto Sistemas Plug & Play Conocimientos técnicos de ingeniería Soporte global Obtenga una visión real de cómo reaccionará su sistema con el tratamiento. Las pruebas piloto de FRC brindan una excelente oportunidad para demostrar que las soluciones de ingeniería de FRC funcionarán correctamente en su aplicación. Durante las pruebas, podemos obtener información real sobre la forma en que las aguas residuales de su planta reaccionan al tratamiento. Obtendrá información valiosa sobre el nivel de calidad del efluente que se logrará, obtendrá cifras reales de los costos de los productos químicos en curso y verá qué volumen de lodo se produce a través del proceso de tratamiento. Eso es algo que simplemente no se puede lograr en la teoría del diseño. FRC diseñará una solución personalizada para usted en función de los resultados de la prueba piloto. Gran flota piloto La flota piloto de FRC incluye una flota completa de sistemas que incluyen lo siguiente: DAF y DGF de alta velocidad DAF de estilo abierto Floculador Tambor rotatorio Prensa de filtro de banda IPC Sistema de aireación Sistema de dosificación de productos químicos Sistemas Plug & Play Nuestros ingenieros configuran cada sistema piloto de FRC para que sea “plug-and-play” (conectar y usar) para facilitar la instalación y la puesta en marcha. Después de la prueba piloto, puede continuar alquilando la unidad mientras se diseña e instala un sistema permanente en el lugar. En ciertos casos, el sistema puede incluso estar disponible para su compra, lo que proporciona una solución inmediata a su situación. Conocimientos técnicos y soporte en ingeniería Los servicios de ingeniería de FRC son altamente recomendados para la supervisión en sitio durante las pruebas piloto debido a su amplio conocimiento de aplicaciones y procesos. Sus servicios incluyen: Inspección de instalación previa a la puesta en marcha Supervisión de la Puesta en Marcha y Puesta en Marcha del Sistema Capacitación de operadores para el sistema piloto Mantenimiento de equipos Procedimientos operativos Operación del sistema

  • FRC Systems | About Us

    FRC was founded in 1979 as a provider of wastewater treatment equipment to the food processing industry. FRC Systems » Acerca de FRC Systems Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Directorio del equipo Archivo de proyectos Productos Durante casi 50 años, FRC Systems ha realizado miles de instalaciones de sistemas en todo el mundo. FRC se fundó en 1979 como proveedor de equipos de tratamiento de aguas residuales para la industria de procesamiento de alimentos. Durante las dos décadas siguientes, FRC se convirtió en el proveedor destacado de sistemas de flotación por aire disuelto (DAF) para muchas de las empresas más importantes de la industria de procesamiento de alimentos. A partir de allí, FRC comenzó a ampliar sus servicios a aplicaciones de fabricación general, petróleo y gas y municipales. En 2008, FRC Environmental cambió su nombre a FRC Systems International para reflejar mejor el creciente alcance global de FRC. Nuestro enfoque se amplió para incluir cribas, deshidratación de lodos, sistemas de tratamiento biológico, biorreactor de lecho móvil (MBBR), biorreactor de membrana (MBR) y lodos activados residuales continuos (CWAS). Hoy, FRC es parte de la división Chemtech de Sulzer, donde nuestros clientes reciben la atención dedicada de nuestro equipo de expertos respaldada por los recursos globales de Sulzer. ¿Por qué elegir FRC Systems? Experiencia y conocimientos prácticos en aplicaciones Nuestros equipos de diseño e ingeniería están dirigidos por especialistas altamente reconocidos en el campo del tratamiento de aguas residuales con un promedio de más de 25 años de experiencia en la industria. Atención personalizada Cada proyecto recibe atención personalizada durante todo el proceso por parte de un gerente de proyecto dedicado y un equipo de nuestros ingenieros experimentados. Centrado en el cliente Todos nuestros sistemas están diseñados para el desafío específico en cuestión. Nos centramos en los objetivos del cliente desde el comienzo del proceso de diseño hasta la instalación y la puesta en marcha. Nuestro objetivo no es solo crear un sistema que funcione, sino uno que funcione para usted. Calidad en la que puede confiar El proceso de diseño de FRC incluye presentaciones profesionales con dibujos detallados en 3D para su aprobación antes de la fabricación. Nuestros productos se construyen mediante corte por láser, fabricación y ensamblaje de acero inoxidable para garantizar el control de calidad.

  • FRC Systems | Accessibility

    FRC Systems strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities. FRC Systems has invested a significant amount of resources to help ensure that its website is made easier to use and more accessible for people with disabilities, with the strong belief that every person has the right to live with dignity, equality, comfort and independence. Declaración de accesibilidad General FRC Systems se esfuerza por garantizar que sus servicios sean accesibles para las personas con discapacidades. FRC Systems ha invertido una cantidad significativa de recursos para garantizar que su sitio web sea más fácil de usar y más accesible para las personas con discapacidades, con la firme convicción de que todas las personas tienen derecho a vivir con dignidad, igualdad, comodidad e independencia. Trabajamos para ser compatibles con el nivel de accesibilidad WCAG 2.1 AA Descargo de responsabilidad FRC Systems continúa sus esfuerzos para mejorar constantemente la accesibilidad de su sitio y sus servicios con la creencia de que es nuestra obligación moral colectiva permitir un uso fluido, accesible y sin obstáculos también para aquellos de nosotros con discapacidades. A pesar de nuestros esfuerzos por hacer que todas las páginas y contenidos de este sitio web sean totalmente accesibles, es posible que algunos contenidos aún no estén totalmente adaptados a los estándares de accesibilidad más estrictos. Esto puede ser consecuencia de no haber encontrado o identificado la solución tecnológica más adecuada. Aquí para ti Si tiene dificultades con algún contenido de este sitio web, comuníquese con nosotros durante el horario comercial normal como se detalla a continuación y estaremos encantados de ayudarlo. Contáctenos Si desea informar un problema, tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, puede contactarnos aquí.

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  • FRC Systems | Terms & Conditions

    Learn about the Terms and Conditions of Purchase Orders with FRC Systems. Privacidad JANUARY 2022 SULZER CHEMTECH USA, Inc. d/b/a FRC SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE These Terms and Conditions can be found on the Internet at Download A Copy 1. GENERAL 1.1 Definitions “BUYER” means an individual or entity which signs the CONTRACT documents as counterpart to SULZER CHEMTECH. “CONTRACT” means the PURCHASE ORDER plus all documents referred to therein. "DELIVERY TERM" shall have the meaning as established in the version of the INCOTERMS in place as of the effective date of the contract. “EFFECTIVE DATE” means the date of the ORDER CONFIRMATION. If BUYER expresses its objection to the ORDER CONFIRMATION within three (3) working days after receipt of the ORDER CONFIRMATION, EFFECTIVE DATE shall be the date on which BUYER and SULZER CHEMTECH reach common agreement on the CONTRACT. "END USER" shall have the same meaning as BUYER. However, if the BUYER and END USER are not the same individual or entity, then the term "END USER" shall mean the individual or entity for which the BUYER is obtaining the SCOPE OF SUPPLY. “ENGINEERING SERVICES” means engineering work included in the CONTRACT required to be carried out for the delivery of EQUIPMENT, FIELD SERVICES, STUDIES and such goods and or services offered. “EQUIPMENT” means skid mounted equipment, water and wastewater equipment, process and mass transfer, mixer or other equipment which is specified in the CONTRACT. “EX WORKS” means an Ex Works delivery as defined in the version of the INCOTERMS in place as of the effective date of the contract in effect as of the date of delivery. “Field Services” shall mean the deployment of SULZER personnel to a BUYER'S or END USER'S PLANT to provide technical assistance with specified maintenance, inspection, installation, repair and/or modification work or other services specified in the CONTRACT. “FINAL ACCEPTANCE” means the document issued by the BUYER or the END USER at the beginning of the warranty period or, if no FINAL ACCEPTANCE document is issued, then the document evidencing shipment of the goods or completion of the services. For consignment goods, FINAL ACCEPTANCE will take place at the date of removal of goods from stock, usually at the point of consumption. “GENERAL TERMS” means these General Terms and Conditions of Sale of SULZER CHEMTECH. “INSTALLATION Services” shall have the same meanings as “Field Services”. “ORDER CONFIRMATION” means the document provided by SULZER CHEMTECH to BUYER as a response to BUYER’S purchase order documents either by e-mail, facsimile or as a hardcopy. "PLANT" means the BUYER or END USER facility for which SULZER work is produced and/ or supplied or services provided. “PURCHASE ORDER” means the purchase order documents issued by BUYER in the version confirmed by SULZER CHEMTECH in the ORDER CONFIRMATION. In case of non-substantial deviations between said purchase order documents and the ORDER CONFIRMATION, the version of the ORDER CONFIRMATION shall become the binding PURCHASE ORDER unless BUYER expresses its dissent within three (3) working days after receipt of the ORDER CONFIRMATION. “SCOPE OF SUPPLY” means the goods and/or services to be delivered as specified in the CONTRACT and the pertaining documentation, to the extent explicitly specified in the PURCHASE ORDER and agreed upon by both parties. "SPARE PARTS" means wear and tear goods not otherwise falling under the definition of Equipment. “SULZER CHEMTECH” means the company doing business as (d/b/a) FRC Systems International and operating as a business unit under Sulzer Chemtech USA, Inc. 1.2 These GENERAL TERMS apply to all work provided by SULZER CHEMTECH except for the Sulzer Chemtech business related to disposable mixing devices. BUYER is hereby given notice that any deviations from these GENERAL TERMS are expressly rejected unless such deviations are otherwise agreed upon in a mutually signed document. The validity of offer is for a period of thirty (30) days commencing with the date of the offer, unless otherwise specified in writing by SULZER CHEMTECH. 1.3 The delivery encompasses the SCOPE OF SUPPLY and, unless otherwise mutually agreed in the PURCHASE ORDER, will be made EX WORKS. 1.4 In case of contradiction between CONTRACT documents, the following order of precedence shall apply: a) PURCHASE ORDER in the version accepted in the ORDER CONFIRMATION or other negotiated, agreed and mutually signed document, including all documents made a part thereof b) SULZER CHEMTECH’S offer c) These GENERAL TERMS d) BUYER’S request for an offer e) BUYER’S Purchase Terms and Conditions 1.5 All documents making part of the CONTRACT can be changed only by a written, duly signed document. 1.6 All information and data contained in brochures and price lists of SULZER CHEMTECH are only binding to the extent that they are by reference expressly included in the CONTRACT. 1.7 SULZER CHEMTECH shall be entitled to engage sub-suppliers for the performance of the CONTRACT. 2. DELIVERY 2.1 SULZER CHEMTECH shall deliver the SCOPE OF SUPPLY on the dates specified in the CONTRACT contingent upon BUYER fulfilling all contractual obligations, including but not limited to timely release of all input specifications, drawing approvals etc. 2.2 BUYER acknowledges and agrees that the delivery of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY may be delayed and re-scheduled in order to accommodate delays caused by: a) Events of Force Majeure as defined in this CONTRACT; b) Failure of BUYER or BUYER'S representative to timely make any required advance payments; c) Failure of BUYER or BUYER'S representative to timely provide; I. revised or additional specifications; II. approval drawings; or III. other items, documentation or materials necessary to complete the SCOPE OF SUPPLY. d) Any other reasons beyond SULZER CHEMTECH'S control 2.3 This CONTRACT shall be subject to termination at the option of BUYER for BUYER‘S convenience. In the event that this CONTRACT is terminated for the convenience of BUYER, SULZER CHEMTECH shall be paid: (1) the price of the goods or services properly supplied, provided, performed or in production up to the effective date of termination plus, (2) reasonable overheard and profit on such goods and services specified in clause #2.3.1 and (3) reimbursement for direct costs and expenses incurred by SULZER CHEMTECH as a result of BUYER's cancellation for convenience such as termination charges under subcontracts. In no event shall the amount payable to SULZER CHEMTECH exceed the total PURCHASE ORDER price, less any payments previously made. In addition to the preceding, the CONTRACT may be terminated by BUYER "for cause" in the event of a material breach of the terms and conditions by SULZER CHEMTECH which is not promptly cured. 2.4 SULZER CHEMTECH reserves the right to suspend production of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY or terminate this CONTRACT in the event that BUYER fails to provide any required advance payments and/or to issue Letter(s) of Credit as agreed in the PURCHASE ORDER within fourteen (14) days of the due date of the advanced payment or Letter(s) of Credit. In such event, SULZER CHEMTECH reserves the right to charge BUYER for all losses and damages suffered by SULZER CHEMTECH by reason of such default. 2.5 Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing in a document signed by SULZER CHEMTECH, SULZER CHEMTECH shall not be subject to any claim for liquidated damages or penalties related to the late delivery of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY. In case the BUYER fails to timely fulfil any of its contractual obligations including failure to make payments on time or failure to take delivery when called upon to do so by SULZER CHEMTECH or failure to provide necessary infrastructure and facilities to commence the perform of the CONTRACT, SULZER CHEMTECH is entitled to terminate the CONTRACT. In this case BUYER shall pay to SULZER CHEMTECH the costs and expenses incurred by SULZER CHEMTECH connected with work or services performed prior to the date of termination, including a reasonable margin as well as other costs and expenses, including cancellation charges under subcontracts, as SULZER CHEMTECH may incur in connection with such cancellation. 2.6 Transfer of risk of loss of or damage to the SCOPE OF SUPPLY shall be in accordance with the applicable Incoterms. If dispatch is delayed at the request of the BUYER or due to other reasons beyond SULZER CHEMTECH'S control, the risk of loss of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY shall pass to the BUYER at the original time the SCOPE OF SUPPLY was scheduled to leave SULZER CHEMTECH'S manufacturing facility. From this moment on, the SCOPE OF SUPPLY shall be stored and insured on the account and at the risk of the BUYER. Title and ownership shall be transferred to BUYER upon receipt of payment in full by SULZER CHEMTECH. 3. PRICE AND PAYMENT 3.1 The prices for the SCOPE OF SUPPLY are those stated in the CONTRACT and are fixed and firm until fulfillment of CONTRACT. For work carried out on a time basis, the prices shall be determined in accordance with the hourly rates specified in the CONTRACT. If no agreement on hourly rates has been made, the hourly rate applied by SULZER CHEMTECH for other customers and comparable work shall apply. All prices are exclusive of excise duties, VAT, sales or similar taxes and duties. 3.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, full payment for the SCOPE OF SUPPLY shall be due within thirty (30) days of issue of an invoice by SULZER CHEMTECH. 3.3 If BUYER disputes any item or charge listed in the invoice, BUYER shall state the item or amount of the charge in dispute and the reasons for such dispute in writing within such thirty (30) day time period. However, all undisputed amounts shall remain due as specified above. 3.4 At SULZER CHEMTECH’S discretion, an interest charge of six percent (6%) per annum will be charged against any outstanding balance effective as of the due date of the balance. 3.5 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all uncontested payments shall be made according to the agreed terms of payment without any deductions for discounts, set-offs or otherwise. 3.6 To the extent permitted by law, BUYER hereby grants SULZER CHEMTECH a security interest in the SCOPE OF SUPPLY sold hereunder (together with all accessories, attachments and accessions now and hereafter affixed thereto and all substitutions, replacements and all proceeds thereof) as of the date hereof and hereafter to secure the payment of the purchase price thereof and all charges related thereto and authorizes SULZER CHEMTECH to file financing statements (and other such instruments) with appropriate local and state authorities. SULZER CHEMTECH reserves the right to change the credit terms provided herein when, in SULZER CHEMTECH's opinion, the financial condition or previous payment record of BUYER so warrants. Should BUYER become delinquent on the payment of any sum due hereunder, SULZER CHEMTECH will not be obligated to continue performance. Further, in case of late payment, SULZER CHEMTECH may, after having notified the BUYER in writing, suspend its performance of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY until the open and due invoices have been paid. 3.7 If BUYER and SULZER CHEMTECH agreed on issuing a Letter of Credit by BUYER in favor of SULZER CHEMTECH, such Letter of Credit shall be irrevocable, unconditional, and issued by a first class worldwide active bank. The Letter of Credit shall remain valid until the delivery of the entire of SCOPE OF SUPPLY plus ninety (90) days. SULZER CHEMTECH reserves the right to approve the issuing bank. Withdrawal of the money shall be against the documents that are mutual-ly agreed upon in writing. 4. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 4.1 BUYER shall provide the technical documentation (e.g. up-to-date drawings, descriptions, charts, instructions, etc.) that is necessary for the delivery of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY and is specified in the CONTRACT. BUYER confirms that BUYER is fully authorized to use (or have used) the technical documentation provided to SULZER CHEMTECH for the performance of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY by SULZER CHEMTECH or its sub-suppliers, respectively. In case BUYER would not be authorized to order said performance from SULZER CHEMTECH without violation of intellectual property rights of third parties, or if such right should be chal-lenged, BUYER shall inform SULZER CHEMTECH without any delay. In this case, SULZER CHEMTECH shall stop the work until the approvals needed for the performance have been obtained. 4.2 Each party to the CONTRACT retains all rights to any technical documents provided to the other party. The party receiving such documents recognizes these rights and shall, without previous written consent of the other party, not make these documents available to any third party, either in whole or in part, nor use them for any purpose other than to fulfill the CONTRACT. 4.3 Any know-how, inventions, patents or copyrights or the like belonging to or provided by SULZER CHEMTECH and used for or developed in the course of the fulfillment of the CONTRACT by SULZER CHEMTECH shall remain SULZER CHEMTECH’S property, and no ownership shall be transferred to BUYER with respect to such know-how, inventions, patents and copyrights, independent of the hardware on which such know-how, inventions, patents or copyrights is made available (machinery, paper, electronic medium, etc.). However, BUYER shall be granted a limited right to use such know-how, invention, patents, copyright or the like for the operation, maintenance and repair of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY on a non-exclusive basis, which right shall not include the use of the said intellectual property for the reproduction of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY or parts thereof. If the SCOPE OF SUPPLY consists of ENGINEERING SERVICES, BUYER shall be permitted to use, on a non-exclusive basis, the documentation received for the purpose described in the CONTRACT. In case of doubt, ENGINEERING SERVICES provided for the development or construction of EQUIPMENT shall be deemed to be made available for the procurement of such goods from SULZER CHEMTECH solely. 4.4 To the best knowledge of SULZER CHEMTECH the SCOPE OF SUPPLY and any part thereof, in the particular form sold by SULZER CHEMTECH, shall not infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties. In the event of any patent infringement relating to the said SCOPE OF SUPPLY, SULZER CHEMTECH may, in its sole discretion, procure the right to use the SCOPE OF SUPPLY without impairing its suitability, or modify or replace it so that it is rendered non-infringing. The obligations of SULZER CHEMTECH set forth herein are contingent upon (i) SULZER CHEMTECH receiving prompt written notice from BUYER of such infringement; (ii) SULZER CHEMTECH receiving assistance from BUYER in the defense; and (iii) the right of SULZER CHEMTECH to settle or defend. 4.5 The obligation under 4.4 above of SULZER CHEMTECH shall not apply to (i) the SCOPE OF SUPPLY or part thereof which has been manufactured according to BUYER'S design, (ii) services performed by using BUYER’S documentation, (iii) the use of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY or any part thereof in conjunction with any other product in a combination not furnished by SULZER CHEMTECH as part of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY, (iv) to products fabricated by using the SCOPE OF SUPPLY. As to any such equipment, service, product, part or use in such combination, SULZER CHEMTECH assumes no liability whatsoever for infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties, and BUYER shall indemnify and hold harmless SULZER CHEMTECH against any respective infringement claims. SULZER CHEMTECH shall cooperate with BUYER in the same manner as required by SULZER CHEMTECH under 4.4 (i) to (iv) herein above. 4.6 SULZER CHEMTECH’S copyrighted material shall not be copied by BUYER except for archiving purposes or to replace a defective copy. 5. INSTALLATION AND SITE PREPARATION 5.1 If installation services are a part of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY, it is the responsibility of the BUYER to prepare the site environmentally and to provide the required services, electrical wiring and conduit, dry compressed air and piping, gas supply and piping, tools for installation, water drain, permits, including work permits, licenses, approvals, etc. as well as whatever is required to uncrate and move the equipment to its location. 5.2 BUYER also undertakes to maintain the facilities upon which SULZER CHEMTECH’S personnel may be required to enter, in a safe condition, and to comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations governing workplace health and safety, and to give SULZER CHEMTECH’S personnel all instructions necessary. SULZER CHEMTECH shall make sure that its personnel will follow all instructions reasonably made by BUYER. The same applies vice versa in case BUYER’S personnel have to enter upon SULZER CHEMTECH’S facilities. 5.3 BUYER’S failure to comply with the obligations stated in Articles 5.1 and 5.2 above shall entitle SULZER CHEMTECH to either stop rendering its services, and/or postpone the delivery, and/or ask for additional charges for the lost time of its service personnel, such time to be calculated and charged in accordance with Article 3. 6. WARRANTY Articles 6.1 through 6.4 contain specific warranties referring to various SCOPES OF SUPPLY. Only the warranty provision(s) referring to a specific SCOPE OF SUPPLY shall apply. 6.1 EQUIPMENT a) SULZER CHEMTECH shall remedy any defect arising within twelve (12) months from the date of initial operation of the EQUIPMENT or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment, and, if dispatches, erection, supervision of erection and/or commissioning are delayed due to reasons beyond SULZER CHEMTECH'S control, the warranty period shall end not later than eighteen (18) months after notification that the EQUIPMENT is ready for dispatch (whichever date shall occur first). This warranty shall apply to defects resulting from faulty materials or faulty workmanship. Additionally, to the extent SULZER CHEMTECH has provided the design for the EQUIPMENT, this warranty shall also apply to defects resulting from faulty design. b) If requested to do so by BUYER in writing, and as BUYER’S sole and exclusive remedy, SULZER CHEMTECH agrees to, at its sole option, either repair or replace the faulty parts of the EQUIPMENT, or supply BUYER with nondefective EQUIPMENT or part thereof. These remedies shall be provided for the defects notified to SULZER CHEMTECH during the warranty period under the conditions defined in Article 6.5 herein. c) The warranty period for any EQUIPMENT which is repaired or replaced shall be for a period of twelve (12) months or the remainder of the original warranty period, whichever period is longer. 6.2 FIELD SERVICES a) SULZER CHEMTECH warrants that the FIELD SERVICES will be performed as specified in the CONTRACT and will comply with applicable industry standards and practices. SULZER CHEMTECH shall remedy any defect arising within ninety (90) days from the date of completion of the FIELD SERVICES work and which are resulting from faulty workmanship performed by SULZER CHEMTECH. Defects resulting from insufficient or inappropriate documentation delivered by BUYER shall be remedied at BUYER’S cost. b) If requested to do so by BUYER in writing, and as BUYER’S sole and exclusive remedy, SULZER CHEMTECH shall at its sole option repair the defective FIELD SERVICES or reperform such FIELD SERVICES. These remedies shall be provided for the defects notified to SULZER CHEMTECH during the warranty period under the conditions defined in Article 6.5 herein. c) All FIELD SERVICES work which is remedied shall be warranted for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of the completion of repair or reperformance. d) SULZER CHEMTECH shall bear the costs for the corresponding repair or the reperformance of work whether occurring at the SULZER CHEMTECH or BUYER or END USER facility to the extent that they are reasonable under the circumstances. BUYER or END USER shall grant SULZER CHEMTECH the first opportunity to remedy any defect in the FIELD SERVICES. If the BUYER or END USER has obtained the services of a third party to perform the FIELD SERVICES, SULZER CHEMTECH shall bear the costs for the corresponding repair or reperformance work provided that the BUYER or END USER has obtained SULZER CHEMTECH’S prior written approval. 6.3 ENGINEERING SERVICES a) SULZER CHEMTECH’S obligations consist of using proper care and skills in performing the work described in the CONTRACT. Unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon in writing, SULZER CHEMTECH shall not provide any warranty for successful achievement of the results envisaged in the CONTRACT. Defects arising from faulty ENGINEERING SERVICES arising within six (6) months from completion thereof shall be reperformed by SULZER Chemtech at its own cost. b) The warranty period for any engineering services which have been reperformed under the warranty shall be for a period of six (6) months. 6.4 Performance Guarantee Unless explicitly agreed upon in writing in the CONTRACT, SULZER CHEMTECH shall not provide performance guarantees. 6.5 General Conditions applicable to SULZER CHEMTECH’S Warranty a) Maximum Extension of Warranty Period The warranty period for any part of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY which is repaired or replaced shall be for the applicable period specified under 6.1 through 6.3 or the remainder of the original warranty period, whichever period is longer. Under no circumstances shall the repaired, replaced or reperformed warranty period extend for a period of time which is greater than 50% of the original period. b) Inspection of Equipment and Services BUYER shall ensure that inspection of SULZER CHEMTECH'S SCOPE OF SUPPLY and the issuance of a written notice of FINAL ACCEPTANCE shall occur within seven (7) days of receiving SCOPE OF SUPPLY. If a written notice of FINAL ACCEPTANCE is not received, then FINAL ACCEPTANCE will be deemed to have occurred fourteen (14) days after BUYER or END USER has received SULZER CHEMTECH'S EQUIPMENT or ENGINEERING SERVICES or fourteen (14) days after the completion of SULZER CHEMTECH'S FIELD SERVICES. c) Place where Warranty Work will be executed SULZER CHEMTECH reserves the right to require that BUYER or END USER return the SCOPE OF SUPPLY or parts thereof to SULZER CHEMTECH’S production facility to provide proper warranty service. In such cases, SULZER CHEMTECH shall reimburse BUYER or END USER for the reasonable costs paid for sea or land transportation of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY. If the return of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY to SULZER CHEMTECH'S production facility is not required, then SULZER CHEMTECH shall use its best efforts to perform the warranty work at BUYER’S or END USER’s facility, and as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of written notification by the BUYER or the END USER. BUYER or END USER shall make the SCOPE OF SUPPLY available for SULZER CHEMTECH to repair or replace. SULZER CHEMTECH shall not be responsible for the disassembly, removal or reinstallation of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY. d) Early termination of Warranty Period The warranty periods stipulated in 6.1 through 6.3 above shall terminate if BUYER or a third party undertake inappropriate or improper modification or repairs, or if the BUYER, in case of a defect, does not as soon as reasonably possible take appropriate steps to mitigate damages and to notify SULZER CHEMTECH in writing of its obligation to remedy such defect. e) Exclusion from SULZER CHEMTECH’S Warranty Excluded from SULZER CHEMTECH’S warranty and liability for defects are all deficiencies which cannot be proved to have their origin in bad material, faulty design (if applicable), or poor workmanship. Also excluded from SULZER CHEMTECH’S warranty and liability for defects are deficiencies resulting from normal wear and tear, improper maintenance, failure to observe the operating instructions provided by SULZER CHEMTECH or deficiencies resulting from other reasons beyond SULZER CHEMTECH’S control, including damages caused by erosion or corrosion. For supplies and services of those subcontractors prescribed by the BUYER, SULZER CHEMTECH assumes warranty, guarantee and/or liability for defects only to the extent that such subcontractors assumed warranty, guarantee and/or liability obligations in its contract with SULZER CHEMTECH. f) Dismantling and Reassembly To the extent necessary to remedy the defect, BUYER or END USER shall, at their own expense, arrange for any dismantling and reassembly of EQUIPMENT. g) No Additional Warranties or Representations SULZER CHEMTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION TO THE SCOPE OF SUPPLY OTHER THAN AS SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. 6.7 Hazard Warning Responsibility BUYER and SULZER CHEMTECH acknowledge that each have respective obligations with respect to maintaining compliance with all safety and health related regulations concerning SCOPE OF SUPPLY. BUYER is familiar with the SCOPE OF SUPPLY and acknowledges its separate and independent knowledge of such risks, which are known in BUYER'S industry. BUYER shall maintain compliance with all safety and health related governmental requirements concerning SCOPE OF SUPPLY and shall take all reasonable and practical steps to inform, warn, and familiarize its employees, agents, contractors, and customers with all hazards associated therewith, including handling, shipment, storage, use, and disposal. BUYER assumes as to its own employees, its independent contractors, and subsequent purchasers of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY sold hereunder, all responsibility for any and all necessary warnings or other precautionary measures. BUYER shall defend at its own expense, indemnify fully and hold harmless SULZER CHEMTECH and its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates and its and their agents, officers, directors, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims, penalties, fines, actions, suits, legal, administrative or arbitration proceedings, judgments of any jurisdiction, costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees and related costs) arising out of or in any manner related to BUYER'S failure to provide necessary warnings or other precautionary measures in connection with the SCOPE OF SUPPLY sold hereunder. 7. OVERALL LIMITATION OF LIABILITY NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY IN THE CONTRACT, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS FORMING A PART OF THE CONTRACT AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL SULZER CHEMTECH BE LIABLE TO THE BUYER OR ITS CUSTOMER FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF CONTRACTS OR EARNINGS, INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF PRODUCTION OR LOSS OF USE OR LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY, DELAY IN DELIVERY OR CLAIMS BY THE BUYER'S CUSTOMER FOR SUCH DAMAGES OR BUSINESS, INDIRECT, INCIDENTIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON CONTRACT, INDEMNITY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STATUTE OR ANY OTHER BASIS OF LEGAL LIABILITY. THE REMEDIES OF BUYER SET FORTH HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVE, AND SULZER CHEMTECH'S LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY CONTRACT OR SALE OR ANYTHING DONE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), UNDER ANY WARRANTY, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE SHALL IN TOTAL NOT EXCEED 100% OF THE CONTRACT PRICE TO BE PAID TO SULZER CHEMTECH, UNLESS CLAIMS ARISE DIRECTLY FROM GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILFUL MISCONDUCT OF SULZER CHEMTECH. 8. EXPORT AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL DOCUMENTS 8.1 SULZER CHEMTECH undertakes to provide the documents required by the authorities at SULZER CHEMTECH’S place for the manufacturing and transportation EX WORKS of the SCOPE OF SUPPLY. 8.2 BUYER undertakes to provide all other documents required, e.g. documents required by an authority at BUYER’S or BUYER’S customer’s place, or the place where the SCOPE OF SUPPLY will be used. 8.3 SULZER CHEMTECH, BUYER and END USER shall support and assist each other without undue delay with obtaining any necessary information or documentation required by any authority in connection with the CONTRACT. SULZER CHEMTECH'S acceptance of the CONTRACT shall be subject to the receipt of all necessary export authorizations required from any governmental authority which has jurisdiction over this CONTRACT. 8.4 The BUYER hereby represents and warrants that it is, and will remain in compliance with the requirements of all applicable export laws and regulations, including but not limited to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and International Traffic in Arms Regulations. Such requirements include, but are not limited to obtaining all required authorizations or licenses for the export or reexport of any controlled item, product, article, commodity, software or technology. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the BUYER hereby represents and warrants that it has not been, and is not currently, debarred, suspended or otherwise prohibited or restricted from exporting, reexporting, receiving, purchasing, processing or otherwise obtaining any item, product, article, commodity, software or technology regulated by any agency of the United States or any other state. The BUYER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SULZER CHEMTECH from any costs, penalties or other losses caused by, or related to, any violation or breach of the warranties contained in this provision. 9. FORCE MAJEURE 9.1 SULZER CHEMTECH shall not be liable for any non-performance, loss, damage, or delay due to acts of God such as but not limited to severe weather conditions, fire, flood or war, riots, strikes or labor difficulty, governmental acts such as but not limited to trade restrictions including embargoes, acts of the BUYER or END USER, delays in transportation, inability to obtain necessary labor or materials from usual sources, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of SULZER CHEMTECH. In the event of delay in performance due to any such cause, the date of delivery or time for completion will be extended to reflect the length of time lost by reason of such delay. If the grounds for Force Majeure continue for more than six (6) months, either SULZER CHEMTECH or BUYER may terminate the CONTRACT upon seven (7) days' written notice to the other party. 9.2 SULZER CHEMTECH shall be entitled to be compensated for the extra costs caused by the interruption, or, in case of termination, for the work done prior to termination and the expenses for non-cancelable procurements. BUYER shall be entitled to receive the work for which it has paid. 10. FREE ISSUE MATERIALS Materials supplied by BUYER to SULZER CHEMTECH (e.g. samples to be processed or tested, product for usage in performance tests, materials to be used for implementation in the SCOPE OF SUPPLY, etc.) shall at all times remain the property of BUYER and shall be sufficiently covered under BUYER’S property insurance policy. Subject to Article 6 and 7 hereinabove, SULZER CHEMTECH shall be solely liable for damages caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct to FREE ISSUE MATERIALS. 11. MISCELLANEOUS 11.1 Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction a) The CONTRACT shall be construed and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without application of any conflict of law rules. b) Nothing contained in this CONTRACT shall limit the rights of SULZER CHEMTECH available under the applicable law. c) In case of a dispute, the parties shall make their best efforts to resolve such dispute amicably. If an amicable resolution should not be possible, the resolution of the dispute shall be conducted in either a Federal or State court of competent jurisdiction. 11.2 Assignment Any attempt to assign, transfer, or delegate any of the rights, duties or obligations herein to a third party without prior written consent of the other party shall render such attempted assignment or transfer null and void. SULZER CHEMTECH’S affiliated companies shall not be considered third parties for this purpose. 11.3 Waiver of Rights SULZER CHEMTECH’S or BUYER’S failure to exercise any of its rights shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver or a forfeiture of such rights. 11.4 Severability If a provision of the CONTRACT is determined to be void or unenforceable, this finding shall not render other provision void or unenforceable, and SULZER CHEMTECH and BUYER shall make their best endeavors to replace such provision by a valid one covering the original commercial intention as far as legally possible. Download a Copy of Our Terms & Conditions

  • FRC Systems | Vendor Terms & Conditions

    Learn more about the vendor terms and condition for FRC Systems. Privacidad December 20, 2024 SULZER CHEMTECH USA, Inc. d/b/a FRC SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL PURCHASE ORDER TERMS & CONDITIONS These Terms and Conditions can be found on the Internet at Download A Copy 1. Governing Provisions. Sulzer Chemtech USA, Inc.’s d/b/a FRC Systems International’s (hereinafter “Buyer”) Purchase Order shall consist of (i) the terms and conditions set forth herein and (ii) all attachments, exhibits, specifications, drawings and other related documents which refer to, are attached to or are otherwise referenced in these Purchase Order Terms and Conditions ("Purchase Order"). Each shipment received by Buyer from Seller shall be deemed to be only upon the terms and conditions contained in this Purchase Order, except as they may be added to, modified, superseded, or otherwise altered in writing by Buyer, notwithstanding any terms and conditions that may be contained in any acknowledgment, invoice or other form of Seller and notwithstanding Buyer's act of accepting or paying for any shipment or any similar act of Buyer and Buyer hereby rejects any different or additional terms and conditions proposed by Seller. If this Purchase Order is sent to Seller in response to a quotation or an offer of Seller submitted to Buyer, the terms of this Purchase Order shall supersede and control all provisions in the quotation or offer of Seller. Seller's shipment of any of the goods or performance of any of the services covered by this Purchase Order, or Seller's receipt of any payment made pursuant to this Purchase Order, shall constitute Seller's acceptance of this Purchase Order as fully as if Seller had accepted in writing. 2. Conforming Goods. All goods shall conform strictly to the description, plans, specifications, and sample, if any, and no deviation or substitution will be permitted without the express written agreement of Buyer. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the Buyer, all Seller goods shall be new, of the latest design or model conforming to the Buyer’s requirements, and of the best quality. 3. Inspection and Expediting. Buyer and Buyer's customer shall have the right to inspect and expedite the goods in process of manufacture, in storage or in transit. The Seller shall afford the Buyer representative free of cost, all necessary and commercially reasonable access to Seller's facilities for such purposes and for purposes of confirming that the Seller's goods are being furnished in accordance with this Purchase Order. Upon delivery, Buyer shall be granted a commercially reasonable opportunity to confirm compliance with all terms, conditions, specifications and drawings, if any. 4. Delay and Force Majeure. Seller acknowledges that compliance with the delivery schedule shall constitute a material requirement of this Purchase Order. Either party shall be excused from performance of the obligations hereunder when and to the extent that such performance is delayed or prevented by any circumstances reasonably beyond its control, including but not limited to, fire, explosion, acts of terrorism, any strike or labor dispute or any act or omission of any governmental authority or any group purporting to have authority (hereinafter, individually or collectively “Force Majeure”). To be so excused, the affected party must provide prompt notice and undertake reasonable efforts to mitigate the conditions giving rise to a claim of Force Majeure. 5. Title. Title to all goods covered by this Purchase Order and to all materials, work in progress, design data and other documentation, and all contract rights related to such goods, shall vest in Buyer immediately upon identification to this Purchase Order, subject to Buyer’s obligation to pay the purchase price thereof and perform all its corresponding obligations hereunder. Irrespective of vesting of title, Seller shall bear the risk of loss, and shall insure or self-insure at full replacement value, all goods of Buyer in its care, custody or control until delivery of the goods in good condition in accordance with the shipping provisions. Seller warrants good title free of claims or encumbrances shall be vested in Buyer. 6. Payments. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment to Seller shall be due net ninety (90) days from Buyer's receipt of an acceptable invoice. Seller agrees to pay promptly when due, all bills for any labor, materials, equipment, or service connected with the goods supplied hereunder, and, if not promptly paid when due, Buyer may pay any such valid obligation of Seller and Seller shall immediately reimburse Buyer therefor. 7. Compliance With Laws, Codes and Standards. Seller agrees to observe and comply with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations of any governmental entity having jurisdiction over Seller in the performance of its work pursuant to this Purchase Order. To the extent applicable, Seller agrees that the services rendered in connection herewith shall meet applicable safety standards established and promulgated under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and its regulations in effect as of the date hereof, and as of the date of performance of any work hereunder. 8. Assignment. This Purchase Order and money due under this Purchase Order may not be assigned without prior written consent of Buyer. 9. Rejection. There shall be no substitutes or shipment of more or less than the quality specified without prior written approval of Buyer. If goods received do not conform to those ordered, or if more or less than the quantity ordered are shipped, Buyer may reject such shipment in whole or in part and require Seller to pick up and remove such rejected goods at Seller’s expense within ten days after notice. 10. Cancellation. This Purchase Order is subject to cancellation at the option of Buyer for Buyer's convenience. In the event that this Purchase Order is cancelled for the convenience of Buyer, Seller shall be paid: (1) the unit price of each item of the goods properly furnished and accepted prior to cancellation or completion of performance by Seller, plus, (2) the unit price for finished goods not yet delivered to Buyer, plus, (3) other direct cost incurred by Seller as a result of Buyer's cancellation for convenience such as termination charges under subcontracts. In no event shall the amount payable to Seller exceed the total Purchase Order price, less any payments previously made. In addition to the preceding, this Purchase Order may be terminated by Buyer "for cause" in the event of breach of the Purchase Order terms and conditions by Seller, or a Seller bankruptcy or insolvency, or failure or inability of Seller to perform. In the event of a "for cause" termination, Buyer agrees to pay Seller the unit price of each item of goods properly furnished and accepted prior to cancellation or completion of performance by Seller. In no event shall the amount payable exceed the Purchase Order price, less the cost to Buyer of completion or procurement of substitute conforming goods and less any payments previously made. Upon notice to Seller, Buyer reserves the right to offset any liability of Seller owed to Buyer whether such liability arises in connection with this Purchase Order or any other agreement between the parties. Such offset shall be without waiver or limitation of any other rights or remedies of Buyer. 11. Changes. Changes may be made by Buyer in the character or quantity of goods to be furnished hereunder, by change order in writing signed by the Buyer. The price shall be equitably adjusted, for any such change, at the unit prices set forth herein if the change is in quantity, or by agreement if the character of the goods or other terms are changed so as to increase or decrease the cost to Seller. If no agreement is reached as to amount of the price adjustment, the price shall be equitably adjusted to reflect the increased or decreased cost to Seller with reasonable allocation of overhead and profit. Seller shall submit to Buyer all satisfactory evidence from which adjustments based on cost can be determined. 12. Warranty. Seller warrants that the goods or services supplied will be free from defects in material, workmanship, and design, and will conform to specifications, drawings and to applicable industry codes and standards. Seller shall repair any defective goods or furnish replacement goods or parts thereof, or reperform services to Buyer’s satisfaction, at Seller’s expense. The warranties of the Seller, together with its service warranties and guarantees, if any, shall run to the Buyer and its customers. 13. Shipping. Goods shall be shipped by carriers and routes as instructed by Buyer. Seller agrees to pay for packing, loading, and draying, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Invoices and bills of lading showing full routing, car number and other customary data, etc., shall be dated and mailed at the time of shipment and separate invoice must be made for each destination, showing point of shipment and how shipped. Invoices bearing transportation charges must show weight and rate. 14. Prices. If price is omitted on this Purchase Order it is agreed that Seller’s price will be the last quoted. 15. Indemnity. Seller agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Buyer and the Owner and its employees, agents and subcontractors, against any loss, cost, damage or liability, including attorney’s fees, arising from the negligence or other breach of duty by Seller and those for whom it is responsible in connection with the Purchase Order or the goods or services supplied hereunder. 16. Subcontracts. If the Seller shall cause any part of the work to be performed by a subcontractor, the provisions of this Purchase Order shall apply to such subcontractor and the Seller shall not, in any manner thereby, be discharged from its obligations and liability hereunder, but shall be liable hereunder for all acts and omissions of the subcontractor, or its officers, agents and employees as if they were employees of the Seller. No subcontractor shall be used until written approval is given by Buyer or its customer but no such approval shall affect the provision hereof with respect to Seller’s responsibilities and obligations. 17. Sales and Similar Taxes. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Buyer acknowledges that Seller’s price does not include sales, use, excise, value added, or similar taxes or customs duties (“Taxes”). Seller shall clearly set forth in its invoice to Buyer any such Taxes not included in Seller's prices. Notwithstanding the preceding, Seller shall assume exclusive responsibility for, and shall pay before delinquency, all taxes, assessments and such other charges with respect to, or measured by wages, salaries, or other remuneration paid to persons employed by Seller in connection with the performance of the Purchase Order. 18. Insurance. During the performance of this Purchase Order, the Seller shall maintain insurance in effect for its own protection and protection of its subcontractors. In the event that Seller is scheduled to provide on-site services in connection with this Purchase Order, then Seller shall provide Buyer at the time of executing this Purchase Order a Certificate of Insurance indicating that the insurance has been secured and that Buyer has been named as an additional insured on such policies. Buyer shall be given 30 days written notice prior to cancellation or significant changes. 19. Jurisdiction. This Purchase Order shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Delaware, excluding its conflicts of law principles. 20. Confidential Information. Seller acknowledges and agrees that any information and/or materials that Seller or its personnel shall receive either directly from Buyer or indirectly from a Buyer employee, agent or subcontractor shall be kept in strictest confidence and agrees to limit access to such information to only those of its respective employees who reasonably require access to such information to perform the work contemplated by this Purchase Order. Except as may otherwise be set forth herein, any information disclosed in connection with this Purchase Order shall not be disclosed to any third parties without Buyer's express prior written consent. 21. Intellectual Property Ownership. Neither Seller, nor Buyer shall acquire any right, title, or interest in or to any pre-existing intellectual property (including without limitation patents, copyright and trade secrets) of the other Party in connection with this Purchase Order. 22. Complete Agreement. This Purchase Order is the complete agreement between the parties and no modification, amendment, rescission, waiver or other change will be binding on any party unless assented to in writing by such party's authorized representative. Any oral or written representation, warranty, course of dealing or trade usage not contained or referenced herein will not be binding on any party. Both parties agree that they have not relied on, nor were induced by any representation not contained in this Purchase Order.

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  • FRC Systems | Industries

    FRC Systems has installations in all major industries like Food & Beverage, General Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Meat & Seafood Processing and Municipal Wastewater. Our variety of wastewater treatment equipment includes Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Systems, Flocculators, Screens, Oil & Water Separators, Biological Treatment such as MBBR & MBR, and dewatering presses such as belt presses and a multi disk volute press. FRC Systems » Industrias Alimentos y bebidas Soluciones para el tratamiento y gestión de aguas residuales Food & Beverage FRC wastewater treatment systems are used throughout the food and beverage industry because of their ability to remove Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Total Phosphorus (TP). Our processes are operator-friendly and require minimal maintenance and user intervention. Explore Food & Beverage General Manufacturing Manufacturing applications each have their own qualities that present unique wastewater treatment challenges. Whether you want to recover oil for reuse or remove wastewater constituents like heavy metals, sand, or clay to bring you into compliance, FRC can deliver the best solution. Explore General Manufacturing Meat & Seafood Processing Meat processing facilities produce wastewater with high amounts of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Total Phosphorus (TP). FRC solutions excel in recovering commercially valuable by-products. Wastewater treatment systems designed by FRC provide a cost-effective treatment process to make the most meaningful impact on your bottom line. Explore Meat & Seafood Processing Municipal Wastewater Our municipal Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) units are designed to work with municipal wastewater treatment systems. Enhance your treatment system using dissolved air flotation to thicken waste-activated sludge (WAS) prior to anaerobic digestors or remove algae and phosphorus (TP) using a high-rate DAF. Explore Municipal Wastewater Oil & Gas FRC technologies are used in various applications throughout the oil and gas industry. For upstream, produced and flowback water, we offer both mobile and central plant Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems to treat your water for injection, reuse, or discharge. In the downstream segment, our high-rate DAF is capable of treating up to 6,000 GPM of stormwater runoff in a single compact system. Explore Oil & Gas

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    Contact FRC Systems for any type of request including general questions, wastewater systems and parts. Have questions or need support? Our team is here to assist with your inquiries and solutions. Sales & Support Team Directory Or use the form below for: General Questions Wastewater System Requests Parts Requests

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