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Ways to reduce chemical use in a DAF system

7 Ways to Reduce Chemical Use in a DAF System

It’s no secret that the greatest operating expense of an industrial wastewater treatment system is in chemical usage. Naturally, finding a way to reduce chemical use would be a good place to start finding savings. The electrical cost of running a PCL-60 DAF system at full capacity (660 gpm) for 24 hours is roughly $30. That figure will fluctuate…

coagulants not for pH adjust

Unintended Effects of Using Coagulants to Adjust pH

If you’re using chemical coagulants to adjust pH, then you’re doing something wrong. You see, if coagulants are meant to be used for adjusting pH, then why do we call them coagulants and not pH reagents? Why add the iron or aluminum salts to the mix? Doesn’t it make much more sense to use an acid (i.e. sulfuric acid)…