FRC Systems » Industries
Oil & Gas
Solutions for Wastewater Treatment & Management
An FRC wastewater system can provide a meaningful impact on your bottom line.
FRC technologies are used in various applications throughout the oil and gas industry. For upstream, produced and flowback water, we offer both mobile and central plant Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems to treat your water for injection, reuse, or discharge. In the downstream segment, our high-rate DAF is capable of treating up to 6,000 GPM of stormwater runoff in a single compact system.
Oil and gas processing have unique requirements for their wastewater treatment needs. FRC Systems can custom engineer both mobile and modular configurations to meet the demands of your particular application.

Renewable Energy
Throughout the dry-milling process there are commercially valuable byproducts that can be recovered and FRC has developed a two-step process that does just that. With the FRC Process, you can increase the long-term profitability and economic viability your existing dry-mill process to a closer parity with the wet-mill process.
FRC’s engineers have designed a system that can improve the corn oil recovery from thin stillage to increase long term profitability in ethanol applications.
A large amount of wastewater is generated during the processing of feed stock during renewable diesel production. FRC has the technology to recover the maximum possible amount of oil for reprocessing.

Oil Refineries & Stormwater Runoff
Water is a major resource used in the refining of hydrocarbons. FRC provides Oil-Water Separators (OWS) such as Corrugated Plate Interceptors (CPI) and American Petroleum Institute (API) Separators as well as Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), Dissolved Gas Flotation (DGF) and Dissolved Nitrogen Flotation (DNF) systems for the removal of Oils, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), metals and other contaminants from the wastewater stream