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FRC Systems » Products
Products & Solutions
Solutions for Wastewater Treatment & Management
PCL & PCCS Series High-Rate DAF
The PCL & PCCS Series high-rate Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) design provides an efficient and cost-effective solution for removing pollutants from your wastewater.

PWL Series Open-Style DAF
The PWL Series dissolved air flotation (DAF) system is an open tank, low-built design optimized for treating wastewater heavily loaded with solids.

Flocculators provide the mixing action and retention time required to chemically treat wastewater.

Oil & Water Separators
Oil-Water Separators (OWS) are used to recover and separate oil from water and allows for the oily water to sit undisturbed until oil globules begin to float.

Sludge Dewatering Belt Press
Belt filter presses are great for dewatering sludge like what is found in most food processing and general manufacturing operations.

Sludge Dewatering Multi-Disk Volute Press
Managing sludge can be challenging, but not with the Multi-Disk Volute Press from FRC Systems.

Rentals & Pilots
FRC rental systems and stand-alone equipment are installed in a “plug-and-play” configuration for ease of installation and start-up.

Biological MBBR
The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) biological treatment method uses small pieces of carrier material designed to maximize surface area and promote biomass growth.

Biologicial MBR
The Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) system method uses submerged membranes to remove bacteria solids with biodegradable contaminants.

Rotary Drum Screens
FRC designs systems to take advantage of the low power consumption and small footprint of rotary drum screens to protect and prolong more expensive downstream equipment’s lifespan.

System Upgrades
We can upgrade or refurbish existing FRC systems as well as those from other manufacturers.

Aftermarket & Spare Parts
Having parts readily available allows for proper management that keeps the wastewater treatment system running at peak performance.

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