With the largest Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) rental fleet in the US and equipment ranging from 10–3,000 gpm, we can tailor a solution to your needs. All FRC rental equipment is available for short-term and long-term rental agreements as well as pilot testing and long-term lease agreements.
FRC rental systems and stand-alone equipment are installed in a “plug-and-play” configuration for ease of installation and start-up. Once in place on-site, the unit can be operational within a matter of hours.

Our Rental & Pilot Services Include:
Large Rental Fleet
FRC’s rental system fleet includes the following:
Stand-alone DAF for applications greater than 100 GPM
Chemical Dosing System
DAF fully skidded system for applications less than 100 GPM
Dissolved Gas Flotation (DGF) fully skidded system
Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI) fully skidded system
Rotary drum screen fully skidded system
Belt press fully skidded system
Volute press fully skidded system
Engineering Support Team
FRC has a full team of field, process, and pilot engineers to support the start-up of the rental systems, and of course remote field support. Available services include the following:
Installation inspection prior to commissioning
Commissioning and start-up
Operators training
Remote support
Our available rental systems:
Stand-Alone DAF Systems
Pre-piped and pre-wired system supported on an SS304 skid
DAF (SS304)
Sludge level probes installed in DAF sludge hopper
AOD sludge pump
E-panel including PLC & HMI
Additional components shipped loose
Catwalk (OSHA compliant, SS304) for DAF access
Air compressor
Polymer makeup system
Job box (tools, spare parts, etc.)
Supported on an SS304 skid
pH transmitter
Sampling ports strategically installed after:
The inlet of flocculator (raw sample)
DAF whitewater injection into flocculator
Chemical Dosing System Skids
Pre-piped and pre-wired system supported on an SS304 skid
Flow meter
Coagulant dosing pump
Acid dosing pump
Caustic dosing pump
Polymer dosing pump
Automatic polymer makeup system
NEMA 4X (SS304 enclosure) e-panel including PLC & HMI
Ethernet cable provided to communicate with stand-alone DAF e-panel
DAF Fully Skidded Systems
Pre-piped and pre-wired system supported on an SS304 skid
DAF (SS304)
Flocculator (PVC or CPVC)
Flow meter
Chemical dosing pumps for coagulant, acid, caustic, and polymer
Sludge level probes installed in DAF sludge hopper
AOD sludge pump
E-panel including PLC & HMI
Additional components shipped loose:
Rotary lobe feed pump
Air compressor
Polymer makeup system
Job box (influent and effluent hoses, tools, spare parts, etc.)
CPI Fully Skidded Systems
Pre-piped and pre-wired system supported on an SS304 skid
CPI (SS304)
E-panel including PLC & HMI
Additional components shipped loose
Rotary lobe feed pump
Air compressor
Polymer makeup system
Job box (influent and effluent hoses, tools, spare parts, etc.)
Rotary Drum Screen Fully Skidded Systems
Pre-piped and pre-wired system supported on an SS304 skid
Rotary drum screen (SS304)
020” Wedgewire Openings (SS304)
030” Wedgewire Openings (SS304)
4mm Perforated Openings (SS304)
Effluent buffer tank (SS304) with level transmitter
Flow meter
Isolation valve
Catwalk (OSHA Compliant, SS304) for screen access
E-panel including PLC & HMI
Additional components shipped loose
Rotary lobe feed pump
Rotary lobe effluent pump
Job box (influent and effluent hoses, tools, spare parts, etc.)
Belt Press Fully Skidded Systems
Pre-piped and pre-wired system supported on an SS304 skid
Belt press (SS304)
Bed and tray
Progressive cavity feed pump
Polymer dosing pump
Wash water pump
Wash water bag filters
Wash water tank (SS304) with level sensor
2 ft3 self-dumping hopper
E-panel including PLC & HMI
Additional components shipped loose
Polymer makeup system
Job box (influent and effluent hoses, tools, spare parts, etc.)