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WAS Thickening Product Solution
Municipal Wastewater
Solutions for Wastewater Treatment & Management
FRC Components
Open-Style DAF
Project Description
This municipality in Lewiston, Idaho aimed to thicken Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) from the existing secondary clarifiers before being sent to the digestors. Their existing coated carbon steel DAF units were badly deteriorating. FRC designed a new stainless-steel DAF system to replace the functionality of the previous system and provide the increased durability and longevity of stainless steel.
The FRC Solution
DAF – Thickens the waste activated sludge
Parameter | Design Data | Effluent |
Flow (gpm) | 120 | - |
MLSS (mg/L) | 3750 | - |
% Dry Solids | - | 4+ |
Design Data
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