FRC provided a solution for one of the longest continuously running refineries in the United States at a facility producing 11,000 bbl/d. The existing wastewater treatment system included a trickling filter upstream of a sand filter before sending the effluent to the local river. The sand filter was becoming overloaded with solids coming out of the trickling filter. FRC installed a DAF in front of the sand filter to remove the biosolids, allowing the sand filter to operate at a higher efficiency and the client to stay in compliance.
Stormwater Runoff: Product Solution
This client is one of the largest global petroleum refiners, processing 366,000 barrels of crude oil per day at one of the largest refineries in the US. They needed a system that could handle high volumes of storm water runoff in a small footprint while still allowing them to stay in compliance. FRC provided a Shell-DEP CPI that met their treatment requirements.